
Hello There

I am Lucy Linder,
a Software Engineer (Msc).


More About Me

Passionate about software and technology, octopus lover, recipient of the Fritz Kutter Award 2019

Hello there!

I am a passionate woman fond of octopuses 🐙🐙

It took me a while to find my path, but as soon as I started programming, I knew it would define me for the rest of my life. I was involved in projects in many different domains, from quantum computing for particle physics to retail store interfaces.

I would define myself as a generalist, who wants to constantly switch technologies and face new challenges. When I am too bored after a day of work as a Software Engineer, I spend time working on personal projects, that are all available on GitHub.

Aside from my work, I love reading (especially time travel fiction, see my stats) and spending time with other passionate people. This love for sharing led me to co-found the GDG Fribourg, join multiple online communities (, StackOverflow), and start my own blog.

I've Got Some skills. [Non-exhaustive]

Programming Languages
Java Kotlin Python Javascript Go Shell Scripts PHP Perl
Frameworks & Technologies
Spring Boot Flask CI (Jenkins, GitHub Actions) CD (Kubernetes, OpenShift, Helm) NoSQL (MongoDb, Cassandra, Firebase) SQL Apache Kafka Android Angular Hadoop
Architecture & System design Project management Data analysis
Soft skills
Writing skills Communication & popularization Fast learner
French English


See some projects of mine.

HEPQPR.Qallse logo

HEPQPR.Qallse is the first successful attempt at using a quantum annealer (D-Wave) for the reconstruction of charged particles at LHC. It led to a publication by Springer, and conferences in the USA, Japan, Spain, and France. My master thesis won an Award from the Fritz Kutter Fond (ETHZ).

This project took place in Berkeley, CA. It was a wonderful experience that taught me about physics, quantum computers, and myself.

BBData logo

BBData (short for Big Building Data) is a common platform for acquisition, storage, processing and sharing of smart building data. The main technologies include Hadoop, Spring Boot, Kafka, Cassandra, and Flink.

I was the lead developer and wrote two papers in collaboration with HEIA-FR and EPFL. The system is now in production and stores large volumes of data from sensors in Fribourg’s Smart Living Lab.

My Work Experience.

April 2023 - Present

Divio AG

Software Engineer / SRE

Manage the entire Divio platform, from backend development (Python/Django) to cloud services (AWS, Azure, etc.), and everything in between. With a small team of fewer than 10 engineers, we handle it all!

October 2020 - March 2023


Full Stack Software Engineer

Contribute to the platform powering all digital products. Broad tasks and responsibilities, including R&D, development & maintenance of robust and reusable components (Java/Kotlin, Spring Boot, gRPC, Kafka, ...), CI/CD (Jenkins, OpenShift, Helm), support & formation to other teams, SM (scrum master)/Team lead. I love the diversity and the wide array of challenges and opportunities it offers.

March 2019 - May 2020

Swisscom - UNIFR

Ph.D. Student

Work on a deep neural translation system to convert Swiss German to High German (NLP, machine learning, transformers). Creation of an open-source, generic web crawler used to collect the largest Swiss German corpus to date - SwissCrawl.

January 2016 - May 2020


Scientific collaborator

Lead developer on various projects, including BBData, a Big Data ecosystem for Smart Buildings (Hadoop), and Colimaçon, a transactional and managerial ecosystem for a Jewelry retail chain, both in production. Teaching, coaching.

August 2018 - March 2019

Berkeley National Lab (LBNL)

Master Student & Collaborator

The first application of a quantum annealer (D-Wave) to reconstruct the paths of charged particles at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Led to a publication by Springer and conferences in the USA, Japan, Spain, and France.

August 2012 - May 2015


Web developer

Development of websites and WordPress plugins. Setup, maintenance, logos, and design.


I also published.

Big Building Data 2.0 - a Big Data Platform for Smart Buildings

Journal of Physics: Conference Series | November 2021

This paper is a follow-up that presents the improvements made to BBData v2.0 and the choices behind it: review of some design choices, technology stack overhaul, profiles to better fit different needs, improved performances, thorough stress tests, open-sourcing of the code, and much more.

Automatic Creation of Text Corpora for Low-Resource Languages from the Internet: The Case of Swiss German

LREC | December 2019

This paper presents SwissCrawl, the broadest Swiss German text corpus to date. It was generated using a semi-automated web scraping tool available on GitHub that could be applied to other low-resource languages.

A pattern recognition algorithm for quantum annealers

Computing and Software for Big Science (Springer) | December 2019

This paper demonstrates the use of a quantum annealer (D-Wave) for the reconstruction of charged particles at LHC. It is the first successful application of quantum computing to high-energy physics (HEP).

Big Building Data - a Big Data Platform for Smart Buildings

Energy Procedia | September 2017

This paper presents Big Building Data (BBDATA), a secure platform for storing building-related data based on the latest Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data technologies.

My Education.

September 2016 - February 2019

Haute école de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO)

Master of Sciences (Msc) | 5.8
  • Fritz Kutter Award from Fritz Kutter Fonds (November 2020)
  • Outstanding Master Thesis Award
  • Best Grade Award

September 2012 - February 2015

Haute école d'ingénierie et d'architecture de Fribourg (HEIA-FR)

Bachelor of Sciences (Bsc) | 5.8
  • Swiss Engineering (SISR) Award
  • Best grade (all faculties combined)

September 2008 - February 2011

University of Neuchâtel (UNINE)

Bachelor of Arts (Ba) | 5.82
  • Suma Cum Laude
  • Valedictorian

September 2005 - June 2008

Gymnase de Morges

Maturité | 5.8
  • General Excellence Award


Wanna say Hello?

Send me an email, download my CV, or reach me through LinkedIn.
I would be glad to hear from you !